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  • Writer's pictureashleygielgud


Dreams are special in that everyone enjoys sharing their recent dream with others, but nobody enjoys hearing about the dreams of others. Unless you're a dream analyst, we suppose.

(If so, could you kindly explain what it means to dream about being in a Hunger Games-like situation repeatedly? Nothing special, just interested.)

In order to understand why dreams are so crucial in the first place, we needed to expand on the main causes of strange dreams that we previously knew.

We turned to Jean-Baptiste Beau, the CEO and founder of the ideal app Oniri, for that. Study up on dreams by scrolling below.

To begin with, what exactly are dreams?

According to Jean-Baptiste, "dreams are experiences we have during sleep." "They can take many different forms, but stories that run anywhere from a few minutes to a few dozen are the most common ones."

They are typically connected to a compelling story and a powerful visual element. These kind of dreams occur during rapid eye movement sleep, or REM sleep. One of the phases of sleep that we experience is REM sleep, which is primarily concentrated near the conclusion of the night.

What transpires throughout our dreams?

When we dream, "our brains create a very special cocktail of chemicals," according to Jean-Baptiste. To put it simply, "some chemicals that make us alert and aware decrease, while those that improve learning and memory increase," he says, explaining that the process is highly intricate.

The following are the two main advantages of dreaming:

1. Emotional Intelligence

According to what we now know, the ability to process emotions is the primary advantage of dreams. According to Jean-Baptiste, dreams are essential for processing and moving past trauma. "You've probably heard the saying 'Time heals all wounds.'" It's not the right time, though. Dreams, he declares.

(Aha, our 2024 bingo card did not feature a battle between time and dreams.)

"You digest traumatic events (such breakups or the death of relatives) better when you dream about them more. Trauma and dream dysfunction are directly related in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Therefore, it's not a sign to get in touch with your toxic ex if you keep experiencing dreams about them. Girlie, delete the text and maintain your strength.

2. Ability to Think and Solve Problems

Have you ever woken up with an idea for a solution or a fresh perspective on a circumstance? That's also due to dreams, according to Jean-Baptiste. Our brains use dreams to make connections between information and generate fresh concepts. They are crucial in assisting us with problem solving and enhancing our cognitive abilities.

Therefore, should we go take a nap long enough to enter REM sleep and dream if we are unable to solve an issue at work? Although we don't believe it to be exactly what he's saying, it wouldn't hurt to mention it.

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